Tuesday, April 11, 2006


MonteVerde Timeline

I discovered an interesting timeline of the MonteVerde region. This timeline focuses on recent developments in the Sustainable Development of the region.

March 24, 1905

Cartago destroyed by earthquake; Poas had greatest eruption.

November 30, 1918

Volcanco Irazu erupts

October 26, 1949

Alabama Quakers told " if you don't like it, you ought to move out…" regarding their resistance to the draft.

April 19, 1951

Quakers purchased land and named it "Monteverde"


Monteverde Friends Meeting/School House
Monteverde Town Meeting
Bosqueterno Forest set aside

July 26, 1952

Jaundice epidemic

May 15, 1953

Papers signed to begin Dairy Plant

April 8, 1954

Opening of the Cheese Factory


Productores de Monteverde - the first major industry


Lindora power plant - supplier of electricity for the local and wider community

October 12, 1955

3 days & 3 nights of rain, 2-3 days of steady rain in afternoon cause landslides, lost bridges, crops, transportation shutdown. Mud was like quicksand.

October 23, 1955

4-5 days of rain


Since 1951 there were a total of 541 visitors to Monteverde. 1956 and 1958 are top years for visitors: 60 per each year.

Spring 1956

National Meteorological Service sets up weather station by Abner & Irna's Pension at 1450 meters.


First high school graduate
During first ten years, 19 babies were born to Monteverde families. First directions were from Childbirth Manual by U.S. Dept. of Labor


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